Thursday, September 21, 2006

Profile kelas dari "5 faces of genius"

Seperti yang pernah dijanjikan sebelumnya, hasil quiz wajah jenius beberapa minggu lalu dapat disajikan disini.

Dari 11 peserta yang mengikuti quiz dilihat dari kaca mata 5 muka jenius, ternyata separuhnya memiliki kemampuan sebagai Observer, disusul Sage sekira sepertiganya dan Seer dimiliki oleh 2 peserta. Muka jenius lain seperti Fool dan Alchemist hanya diwakili oleh masing-masing 1 peserta. Cukup wajar, meski Alchemist biasanya cukup populer, namun dalam kasus ini hanya mendapat porsi 10%. Fool yang umumnya jarang dimiliki, ternyata di kelas kita ada satu peserta yang ber muka Fool.

Dilihat dari multi-faces, separuh dari peserta quiz hanya memiliki satu wajah jenius, sementara 20% berwajah dua dimana salah satu wajahnya adalah Observer, hanya satu peserta yang memiliki 3 wajah jenius sekaligus. Sisanya tidak terlihat salah satupun wajah jenius alias tidak dominant.

Untuk pemirsa Klasmaya yang belum ‘ngeuh’ tentang 5 faces of genius, dapat dijelaskan secara ringkas sebagai berikut:

Seer: The power to image
Seers see pictures in their mind's eye, and these pictures become the impetus for ingenious ideas. In the same way that someone can imagine how his living room would look with a new color of paint, highly creative people use the skill of the seer to imagine new ideas. Seers are guided by the images in their mind's eye, visualize in great detail, and are able to manipulate these images along the way to maximize their impact and expand their ideas.

Observers: The power to notice detail
Observers notice the details of the world around them and collect [those details] to construct a new idea. They scan their environment for interesting information and use this data to create breakthroughs. Observers stand in awe of the world around them, and its beauty is a source of inspiration. They cherish the details and are driven by their unrelenting curiosity.

Alchemists: The power to connect domains
Alchemists bring together separate domains - different ideas, disciplines, or systems of thought - and connect them in a unique way to develop breakthrough ideas. The Alchemist's insights come from borrowing or even stealing ideas. They are motivated to invent by a broad range of interests, and they lead lives that connect work and play.

Fool: The power to celebrate weakness
The most complex Face, the Fool, celebrates weakness. Fools practice three related skills: excelling at inversion, seeing the sense in absurdity, and having unending perseverance

Sage: The power to simplify
Sages use the power of simplification as the primary means to inspiration. They reduce problems to their essence and, in the process, create an ingenious idea. Simplicity is their credo. Also, Sages look to history as a resource for creative insight. They honor the past and find insights in what has happened before.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    saya senang dengan questioner2 atau quiz seperti ini. Tapi saya punya saran bagaimana kalau questioner dari "5 faces of genius"nya diubah menjadi bahasa indonesia jd resultnya lebih baik. karena saya kira tidak semua peserta menjawab dengan sebenarnya...
    mungkin bahasa inggrisnya atau mungkin emang males unruk mengisinya..
