Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Concept Generation and Evaluation

(Dieter: Chapter 5)

A design concept is an idea that is sufficiently developed that it can be evaluated in terms of physical realizability.

Creativity Methods
The most common method for creating idea is brainstorming. Others techniques for creative thinking is Synectics which draws on analogical thinking; Force-fitting method; and Mind Map that draw factors, idea or concepts directly related to the problem.

Conceptual Decomposition
In solving any complex problem, a common tactic is to decompose the problem into smaller parts that are easier to manage (Decomposition in the physical domain and Functional Decomposition).

Generating Design Concept
Design Concepts are the means for providing function (The Hows). The exploration for idea for concepts can take from external resources and within the design team. The subject also describe about Concept Development, Morphological Chart, and Combining Concept.

Evaluation Methods
To choose which concept to develop into finished designs, we need evaluation methods that can be applied during relatively unstructured process of concept development. Evaluation involves comparison (absolute and relative), followed by decision making. The Pugh concept selection process compares each concept relative to a reference or datum concept and for each criterion. Another evaluation method is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) that well suited for evaluating problems whose objectives have hierarchical structure.

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