Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Closer Look at Business Processes

Dicuplik dari artikel dengan judul An Introduction to BPM, September 2003, Ultimus

What is a Business Process
“A sequence of structured or semi-structured tasks performed in series or in parallel by two or more individuals to reach a common goal.”

The five essential points in this definition are:

  1. A business process consists of a “sequence” of tasks. One task alone performed by one person is not a business process.
  2. A business process is “structured or semi-structured.” This means that there is some logic or rules that dictate the sequence in which the tasks are performed. They are not performed on an ad hoc basis.
  3. The tasks can be performed in “series or in parallel”.
  4. There must be at least “two or more” individuals or applications involved as players performing different tasks in workflow.
  5. The sequence of tasks must have the purpose of reaching a common goal or outcome.

The Benefits of BPM
BPM offers numerous tangible and intangible benefits to organizations:

  • Improving the Speed of Business
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction
  • Process Integrity and Accountability
  • Process Optimization and Elimination of Unnecessary Tasks
  • Include Customers and Partners in Business Processes
  • Organizational Agility

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