Monday, September 08, 2008

Layar Tancep Sejarah YouTube

Seperti yang sebelumnya pernah dijanjikan, berikut ini klasmaya menyajikan clip video yang pernah jadi konten layer tancap di klas hari pertama.

Kalau rada susah ngedenger ceritanya, boleh diputar berulang-ulang sampai “Ngngeuh (Sundanese) atau Dhong (Jogjanese)”. Tapi kalau pun masih gak jelas juga, karena mungkin sambungan langsung internasional ;-), berikut dicuplik beberapa key statement yang cukup menggambarkan ceritanya.

  • Feb 15 2005 : registered domain, user can upload and shares video
  • April 23 2005 : the first upload video. 30.000 viewer/day promote by iPod Nano to get notice by venture capital
  • Program on television can be viewed from youtube, and people prefer to watch on youtube than on television.
  • YoutTube received 3.5 million US on funding from Sequoia Capital on November 2005. 200.000 register user and showing over 2 millions videos per day.
  • Dec 15 2005 : YouTube has staff 20, at that time it has serving more than 3 millions videos per day and adding 8 terra bytes of data since open to public May 2005.
  • Jan 2006 YouTube user watching 25 millions video per day. On March 2006 total clips available reach 25 millions, user uploading 20.000 new video per day.
  • April, bandwidth cost 1 million per month youtube gain additional 8 million funding from Sequoia Capital.
  • May Youtube surpass the 42% market share video on internet.
  • July 13 Youtube announce that user currently viewing 100 million videos per day with over 30 member staff with over 50.000 uploaded new video per day.
  • Oct 2006 announce that YouTube being purchased by Google 1.6 billion US (16 Trilyun) , the biggest purchase Google have ever been made. The deal finalise at Nov 13.
  • Time magazine: Best Invention 2006 (invention of the year 2006).
  • 2007 YouTube has become more popular than ever, legal problem Viacom sue google 1 billion $ for copyright onYouTube.
  • YouTube 4th dotcom most visited in the world after Yahoo, MSN, and Google.YouTube is about people. Google was not investing 1.6 billion on technology of YouTube, but the user from around the world that shares video. Google wasn't buy a company it was buying a community, potentially milions of the new users.

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