Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nonton TV di Internet

Kecenderungan beralih ke Internet ini boleh jadi akibat jadwal program TV yang saat ini mungkin tidak semua orang punya waktu yang sesuai, atau iklan yang menguasai time slot di TV, atau di enable oleh jaringan broadband, atau ? apalagi ?
Yang jelas ini sinyal positif untuk perkembangan IPTV apalagi melalui any devices.
Artikel ini diambil dari situs dengan judul "TV Trends: More Internet TV Viewers Erode Trad Media" oleh Wayne Friedman, Mar 18, 2010.

Viewers have tripled their use of watching TV shows via the Internet since 2006 -- and some of this has hurt traditional TV viewing.

Media researcher Knowledge Networks says this trend affects a broad range of viewers: ages 13-54. Viewing of complete TV shows from streaming or downloaded video has climbed to 22% from 8%.

This also has climbed faster for younger 18-34 viewers, rising to 30% from 12% to 30% of 18-to-34 online users.

When it comes to making the sometimes more labor-intensive connection of hooking up TVs to PCs, 7% of 13-to-54 viewers have streamed or downloaded TV shows, and 11% for 18-to-34.

Knowledge calls this "over-the-top" viewing.

There has been some erosion of traditional TV viewing from all of this, the study says. Of those that have reduced or canceled TV service in the past year, due to their online viewing of network TV programming -- or expect to do so in the next year -- 6% of 13-to-54 viewers and 9% of 18-to-34 viewers said they have made these decisions.

David Tice, vice president and group account director at Knowledge Networks, stated: "Growing numbers of "connected TVs" -- those that access the Internet -- are making this option increasingly user-friendly. The fact that over one-third of TV homes now have a bundled TV/Internet service package is no doubt accelerating this blurring of boundaries."

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