Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bagaimana menghitung MBRI (Mobile Broadband Readiness Index)

Kali ini saya mau mengulas posting sebelumnya Index MobileBroadband Readines dan ICT Development Index, khususnya kebingungan saya terhadap rangking yang GSMA.

Yang rada aneh, Korea dari data tersebut berada diurutan 5 dibawah Jepang, Singapura, Hongkong dan Australia. Padahal jika mengacu ke data ITU, negara KimChi ini menduduki posisi tertinggi dalam densitas jumlah Mobile Broadband sedunia, diikuti Jepang (2), Australia (4), Hong Kong (6) dan Singapura (9) seperti yang dilansir oleh situs yang sama dengan judul Top 25mobile broadband markets based on subscribers in 2011 pada akhir Januari lalu. 

The mobile broadband penetration in Korea Rep is 91 (Active mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants). Japan 87.8, Sweden (84) and Australia (82.7) ranked second, third and fourth, respectively, according to ITU.

ITU said 159 economies worldwide have launched 3G services commercially and the number of active mobile-broadband subscriptions has increased to almost 1.2 billion.

While people in developed countries usually use mobile-broadband networks in addition to a fixed broadband connection, mobile-broadband is often the only access method available to people in developing countries.

The percentage of the population covered by a 2G mobile-cellular network is twice as high as the population covered by a 3G network. 3G population coverage reached 45 percent in 2011.

With 5.9 billion mobile-cellular subscriptions, global penetration reaches 87 percent, and 79 percent in the developing world.

Mobile-broadband subscriptions have grown 45 percent annually over the last four years and today there are twice as many mobile-broadband as fixed broadband subscriptions.

Data ini perlu dibandingkan dengan jumlah pelanggan mobile broadband di Indonesia yang diwakili oleh TelkomSel, baik Flash maupun smartphone, Indosat, Excell, dan pelanggan operator lainnya termasuk Flexi melalui FlexiNet nya.

45 percent of the world's Internet users are below the age of 25. Over the last five years, developing countries have increased their share of the world's total number of Internet users from 44 percent in 2006 to 62 percent in 2011. Internet users in China represent almost 25 percent of the world's total Internet users and 37 percent of the developing countries' Internet users.

Mungkin pertanyaan tentnag keanehan informasi yang saya kemukakan diatas bias dijawab oleh statement ini:
The Mobile Broadband Readiness Index (MBRI) indicates that countries creating an ecosystem conducive to growth in mobile data services have the potential to make rapid leaps ahead of their peers.

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