Friday, December 07, 2012

ICT for growth in Indonesia

Di sarikan dari artikel di situs DailySocial dengan judul "IDC: Teknologi Akan Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia"

Dari laporan International Data Corporation (IDC), Indonesia diprediksi akan mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi yang dipicu oleh berkembangnya sektor teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Pertumbuhan investasi asing di Indonesia sebesar 22% pada Q3 2012. Dengan prediksi 15 miliar dollar US di tahun 2012.

Wall Street Journal, juga menambahkan prediksi bahwa angka ini akan melonjak mencapai 26% pada akhir tahun  dengan  rincian di sektor transportasi, logistik dan telekomunikasi, serta kertas sebagai kontributor terbesar terhadap pertumbuhan di Q3-2012.

IDC memaparkan 5 area utama yang akan mempengaruhi perkembangan TIK di 2013:

1. Meningkatnya belanja di bidang TIK pada beragam industri besar, mulai dari bidang sumber daya alam hingga ke retail dan manufaktur.

2. Layanan Data Center, dengan penggunaan yang akan meningkat secara drastis di tahun 2013.

3. Pertumbuhan Startup, meningkatnya investasi pada startup di sektor teknologi dimana para investor berlomba-lomba mencari “the next big thing”. Tahun 2012 cukup banyak pendanaan yang dikucurkan kepada startup-startup di Indonesia dari berbagai entitas baik lokal maupun luar negeri (Bukalapak  dan PriceArea oleh Gree Venture, Lazada oleh JP Morgan dan Kinnevik, UrbanIndo oleh East Ventures, atau pendanaan Stilomo dan Ifetcha dari angel investor).

4. Kebijakan BYOD, bring your own devices kebijakan perusahaan untuk mendorong pegawainya untuk menggunakan perangkat milik sendiri dalam operasional perusahaan. 

5. Perkembangan Kawasan Indonesia Timur. beragam entitas bisnis akan mencoba mengembangkan pasarnya ke kawasan Indonesia Timur selama 5 tahun ke depan. 

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Emerging Internet Market

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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Telco Strategy for OTT

Dikutip dari brosur promosi Report dari dengan judul

OTT IP Messaging: Operator Strategies for Over-the-Top Communication
Global Telecom Insider / Vol. 4, No 4, October Edition

Third-party over-the-top (OTT) communication services (messaging and voice) such as WhatsApp and Skype are popular – and proliferating, especially in emerging markets. The advantage of OTT over operator services is that it is perceived as free, though a data connection is needed to access the Internet. Customers like them, but these services generate incremental traffic putting an additional strain on operators. Unless they block OTT communication, operators have to handle these services.

What is worse for operators is that they do not have a direct relationship with OTT users, and as such they are effectively cut out the value chain. While the Rich Communication Suite–enhanced (RCSe) is emerging as the industry-wide standard for IP mobile communication, it’s not ready yet, and operators need interim strategies to combat third-party OTT services. But what are the best strategies?

The main focus of this report is on mobile IP messaging. We examine the significance of OTT communication (voice and messaging), and more specifically the impact of OTT messaging, and take a closer look at six different strategies that operators are currently using to respond to the threat posed by OTT. The report presents case studies from SingTel, Claro, Orange, Telefonica, T-Mobile, Vodafone and Three and examines how these different operators are approaching OTT communication. We conclude with some recommendations for operators as they rethink and refine their strategies.

iTunes masuk ke Indonesia.

Artikel ini di ambil dari situs yang katanya mengacu dari press release nya Apple. Satu hal terkait dengan berita ini, saya ngebayangin ada dua hal.

Pertama, Apple akan menjadi saingan berat bagi penyedia musik online dari Telkom Group yang bekerja sama dengan SK Telkom dengan brand name Melon (Melodi Online). Meski di satu sisi ada perbedaan business model, antara beli dan hak akses segudang lagu berbatas waktu, namun layanan music Apple minimal jadi substitusi yang sangat berdekatan dengan Melon. Issue device berbasis IOS juga menjadi salah satu aspek persaingan.

Kedua, bagaimana Apple akan menghadapi music bajakan yang sudah menjadi suatu hal yang lumrah di Indonesia. Aspek ini bisa jadi menjadi hal yang positif bagi legal music service seperti Melon, karena secara industri akan mengarahkan pada program-program No Piracy, khususnya dengan menggandeng pemerintah yang nampaknya masih belum terlihat upayanya dibanding pornografi.

Monday December 3, 2012 7:20 pm PST by Eric Slivka

Earlier today, we noted that the iTunes Music Store had gone live in Russia and Turkey, but now that changes have propagated throughout iTunes and we've had time to collect reports, it now appears that Apple is selling music through the iTunes Store in 56 new countries. The additions nearly double the number of countries in which the iTunes Music Store operates.

The new countries include: 

- Europe: Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine 

- Africa, the Middle East and India: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, India, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Swaziland, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, Zimbabwe 

- Asia Pacific: Fiji, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Micronesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan 

- Latin America and the Caribbean: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago 

Beyond music, four of the new countries have also seen Apple roll out access to movies: India, Indonesia, Russia, and Turkey. 

Monday, December 03, 2012

Telecom Sector in Ad Spend

Dikutip dari situs

Source: Nielsen Global AdView Pulse

Though many industry sectors are spending cautiously in today’s uncertain economic environment, telecommunications companies invested significantly more on advertising in the first half of 2012 than they did last year, according to Nielsen’s Global AdView Pulse report. With a 7.9 percent increase in global ad spending, the telecommunications sector saw the largest increases in emerging markets, like Latin America (+32.5%) and the Middle East & Africa (+28.3%).
After more cautious spending during the first quarter, the automotive sector also boosted ad spending by 6.3 percent during the first half of 2012, compared with the same period last year. Even in the embattled region of Western Europe, advertising spending increased by 1.4 percent when comparing 1H 2012 to 1H 2011.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Paragraph of the week : Midas Touch

Di kutip dari situs dengan judul artikel Sony Mobile Chief Acknowledges Its Smartphones Suck, Promises An iPhone, Galaxy S III Competitor Soon tanggal 16 November 2012


Sony knows hardware and can build a fine device. No one disputes that. But it has lost the Midas touch. Making a “better” smartphone in terms of specs is not enough to sell to consumers anymore. People do not shop smartphones by specs. They shop by trends dictated by popularity and massive marketing campaigns. If Sony is to have a shot with its iPhone and GSIII competitor, the marketing message is nearly as important as the device itself.