Tuesday, December 09, 2014

UGC Streaming Vs TV

Taken from Business Insider's Chart of the Day
YouTube's Revenue Is Catching Up With TV Networks
By Dave Smith, Dec. 8, 2014

Speaking at Business Insider’s IGNITION Conference last week, IAC chairman Barry Diller predicted a major shakeup in the cable and satellite TV model within the next five to 10 years. It looks like digital streaming is already beginning to catch up to traditional TV networks, at least in terms of revenue.

YouTube’s annual ad revenue has been rapidly catching up to that of CBS, one of the biggest and most lucrative TV networks, and has more than twice as much revenue as AMC, which owns several popular shows including “Breaking Bad” and “The Walking Dead.” But CBS hopes to maintain and increase its lead over YouTube by embracing a new model: the company recently announced it’ll have a streaming subscription service available next year that’ll let you watch shows for a monthly fee, similar to Netflix.

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